Saturday, December 4, 2010

Pregnancy- The First Trimester

My first trimester was a fun one. Nausea was my new best friend, every morning! I ended up having to eat 2 tablespoons of peanut butter before I could get ready for the day. I was exhausted every afternoon and came home after work as soon as I could to nap. Brad was wonderful and made dinner almost every night while I was still sleeping. I'd wake to find a delicious meal waiting for me. I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband.
During the 12th week I had some cramping that I was worried about, we went to the doctor and had a fetal heart check, it was still strong at over 160 beats per minute. I'm just the nervous first time mommy I guess.
Then, in the last week of my lovely first trimester, the week of Thanksgiving, I woke up on my first morning of break with a sinus infection. Let me tell you being sick while pregnant isn't fun, the list of medicines you can take is very limited.
My pants are getting tighter and tighter every day. The other day I went to put on my jeans and got them on but I couldn't put by belt on. Brad and I went to a consignment store and I got to buy my first 2 pairs of maternity pants. Things are changing and it has been a lot of fun to experience the little changes. I can't wait to feel our little bean kick or have the hick ups for the first time.
Friends of ours, Sarah and Jay, just had a baby a month ago and it's been fun seeing them with their new bundle of joy. And getting their advise on the first 6 weeks. It's great when Jay tells Brad not to say "Dude, whatever you do, don't tell her you're tired too and you don't even have to go to work. Watch out." Good advise! Sarah has said I can call her any time too.
Our ultrasound is scheduled for January 21st. We are officially waiting until we have the baby to find out whether it's a boy or girl.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We're Pregnant!

Brad and I are pregnant! We found out September 22nd when the doctor confirmed it. We are about 7 weeks along which puts the baby at being about the size of a 1/2 inch blueberry. The due date is May 29th, which is 5 days after school gets out, we couldn't have planned it better! We had our first ultrasound today and we got to hear our blueberry's heart beat, a strong 156 beats per minute! It was so much fun and so exciting to hear and see the baby, I never thought it would be such a sweet sound!

As of right now, we're not planning on finding out the sex of the baby. I definitely want it to be a surprise and Brad hasn't fully made up his mind yet.

We'll be updating our blog as we know more so check back in!